The application of the principal of quality control and inspection of a product is essential to any company’s future development and it is of increasing important if a company is to survive under increasing competitor and constant demand for more consistent and reliable product. The progressive manufacturing industries realign the contribution of quality control of quality of materials purchased.
Therefore, it is essential controlling the quality of materials supplier since the helps to a great extent in increasing the profitability of the firm. This is because if materials supplied do not measure up to the specification wanted and if the faults are not detected before feeding them into the reproduction plants, the will affects the quality of materials manufacture by the company. This will not only mean waste of money but also disruption in production lines, reductions of sales. Lowering of the reputation of the company concerned, and the items require may be in short supplier this will obviously affect the company adversely.
Knowing the right quality material required, the specification and standardization, selecting the right supplier for the quality required; inspecting the materials purchase and a list of there are important in controlling quality of martial purchased.
This will deals with in detail in chapter one which is the introductory part of the review of the related literature of the work chapter two is concerned with the review of the related literature of work the chapter thee is the methodology it discuss the method of data collection chapter four the analysis of the data collected and data discussion while chapter five is the summary, conclusion and recommendation.
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